LaserDome: David Bowie

Sold Out!

Selected date

Saturday May 26

Selected time

7:30 PM  –  8:30 PM

Coming May 26th, LaserDome: David Bowie! Utilizing our state-of-the-art digital projection systems and other special effects, this is going to be nothing like the laser shows you might have seen before. Come and experience the hits and classics of David Bowie with our booming surround sound system and mind bending immersive digital projections!

Date: May 26th
Showtimes: 7:30 pm and 9:00 pm (Click on the Other Times button above for different showtimes)
Tickets: $12/$10 members

Note: If you are a museum member, be sure to register and sign in using the links at the top of this page for a discount on your tickets.
